Self-Care with Traditional Chinese Medicine: Summer - Ontario Power Generation

On Tuesday, June 11th, our practitioners spoke at Ontario Power Generation (OPG) - Clarington to their staff about how Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture can be integrated into their self-care routine.


Learning Objectives from the Talk:
Self-Care with Traditional Chinese Medicine - Summer

TCM had been known by many as an effective treatment for pain management. There are other strengths that the public has gradually become aware of - especially TCM and preventative health.

This talk presented by Jane Cheung, R.TCMP, and Frederic Cheung, R. TCMP provided a brief overview of the development and the practice of TCM through the context as a regulated health profession in Ontario. They provided insights into the clinical practice of Chinese medicine and guided them through the assessment process (ie. pulse-taking) while understanding how the physiology of the body works through the lens of Chinese medicine with support from evidence-based research. They provided some handy self-care tips in seasonal nutrition, exercises, and acupressure that they can implement in their daily routine. Then concluded with a simple Qigong exercises as a group which they enjoyed!

We would like to thank the staff at OPG for inviting us to share our knowledge. They were welcoming and fascinated by our wonderful medicine.

We were given the same OPG pin as a thank-you gift that was used to award some of their staff.

We will continue to keep the public informed on what Traditional Chinese Medicine can offer in improving public health through self-care to empower the community. 

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