Third Year in a Row

Thank you, Durham region community!

We keep emphasizing this as we feel it is so important to work together to improve public health for a healthier future:

This involves trust in our services and belief in what we do. We also want to stress that being the winner or 'the best' is not what's the most important. We will continue to do our best for our patients, but we want to take this opportunity to recognize other amazing TCM practitioners and acupuncturists in our Durham region, and even across Canada, who are in the similar role as us: IMPROVING PUBLIC HEALTH. Besides word of mouth from our most satisfied patients, this award is just one of the many platforms we can access in hoping to expose more of the wonderful ‘magic’ that TCM can offer for healthcare. As one of our mentors Prof. Qingming Zhu (age 80) reminded us:
“… advocate your medicine with confidence, and use the skills and knowledge you have learned to serve with compassion and benevolence..”

We’re here to help. Call us at (905)721-4917 or book online today.