Good time to visit your local farms!

Photo(Jane): Picking strawberries πŸ“

Strawberries makes a great summer snack. Like watermelon and green tea, they are known to help quench a thirst during the warmest season of the year. As we know in Chinese medicine, harmony and balance is the primary focus for our health. So to balance the heat, you may need a diet that is relatively cooling. Contact your local TCM practitioner for more ideas.

Diet and diet practice are included in the Nei Jing, one of the fundamental texts of Chinese Medicine, where food, herbs, and minerals share equal medicinal status. According to Chinese Medicine, they are good for dry cough and sore throat. Strawberries lubricate the lungs, promote production of body fluids, and for those regrettable evenings, detoxify alcohol intoxication. It’s best to eat strawberries (and most fruits) at room temperature. Like other foods that are rich in vitamin C, strawberries enhance the absorption of iron from foods and having enough iron is important for nourishing your blood.

Under the TCM Act 2006, Traditional Chinese Medicine is a regulated practice in #Ontario and our practitioners are registered members of good standing with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO). We offer safe and effective support that involves you and your healthcare team for #painmanagment#fertilitysupport#mentalhealth,#rehabilitation#neurology, and more. Book online or call us at 905-721-4917 for an appointment.