“Treat winter diseases in the summer” 冬病夏治

夏 日 將 盡.png

夏日將盡” Xià rì jiāng jǐn” means summer will end soon.

Autumn arrives on September 22nd. You may notice that the temperature has dropped significantly, and the breeze turns cooler. We encourage you to cover your neck from the wind as wind is considered as the backbone of many diseases in TCM. Now is also an excellent time to prepare yourself for the winter mentally. Our emotion firmly attaches to the weather. Some people feel sad and less energy on the cloudy day and lower temperatures like recently. That’s why settling stress and anxiety caused by a pandemic is even crucial.

Traditional Chinese Medicine considers “treat winter diseases in the summer,” 冬病夏治 “Dong Bing Xia Zhi” as precautions. The abundance of Yang during summer months creates a window of opportunity, which allows the body to heal very rapidly from Yang deficiency diseases.

Contact us for acupuncture ‘tune-ups’ or subscribe to E-Newsletter for healthy eating information. Stay calm and enjoy the rest of the summer.