Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week is the global campaign to foster public enthusiasm and support for brain science. Every March, partners host imaginative activities in their communities that share the wonders of the brain and the impact brain science has on our everyday lives. #BrainWeek #BrainAwarenessWeek

Did you know?

Numerous studies suggest that acupuncture can help with managing pain centres in the brain, improve memory, mental clarity, concentration and cognitive function.

For example, the neural pathways from acupuncture point stimulation, to the spinal cord to the deactivation of the pain centers in the brain have been mapped. Acupuncture has been demonstrated to activate a number of the body’s own opioids as well as improving the brain’s sensitivity to opioids. [2][3] Another study with cerebral functional imaging before and after acupuncture treatments showed a significant increase in the cerebral glucose metabolism of the brain which is associated with improved cognitive function. [1][4] Other studies have looked at how acupuncture improves memory and reduces stress. [5][6] All results, thus far, have been positive. 🙌

Need help with #painmanagement, difficulties focusing, remembering tasks or organizing your thoughts? Want to optimize your #focus and #memory? Contact your local registered TCM practitioner and acupuncturists. We are are to help!


Under the TCM Act 2006, Traditional Chinese Medicine is a regulated practice in #Ontario and our practitioners are registered members of good standing with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO). We offer safe and effective support that involves you and your healthcare team for #painmanagment, #fertilitysupport, #mentalhealth,#rehabilitation, and #neurology. Book online or call us at 905-721-4917 for an appointment.


1.Acupuncture Improves Cognitive Function

2.Longhurst, J., Chee-Yee, S., & Li, P. (2017). Defining Acupuncture’s Place in Western Medicine. Scientia, 1–5.

3.Zhang, Z.-J., Wang, X.-M., & McAlonan, G. M. (2012). Neural Acupuncture Unit: A New Concept for Interpreting Effects and Mechanisms of Acupuncture. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012(3), 1–23.

4.Acupuncture reveals acupuncture modulates brain activity

5.Acupuncture Ups Memory and Protects Brain Cells

6.Acupuncture Reduces Stress and Improves Memory